Here is the printed version of the February Newsletter attached as a downloadable PDF. Enjoy!
News & Specials
5¢ Black & White Copies
Color of the Month for February: Rubine Red
January Newsletter
Here is the printed version of the January Newsletter attached as a downloadable PDF. Enjoy!
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Upload Your Artwork and Save!
In the month of January, upload your artwork file using the online uploader for 500 single color business cards and get 500 free! Be sure to mention this promotion in the “Job Instructions” field when you submit the order.
Color of the Month for January: Process Blue
Removable Car Signs
COPY (digital) vs. PRINTING (offset)
We consider this with every job. What is the difference?
Offset printing is a commonly used printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or “offset”) from a plate to a soft rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. This method is best used for jobs with large
quantities and no variable data.
Digital printing refers to methods of printing from a digital based imager, such as a copier, directly to a variety of media. Digital printing has a higher cost per page than more traditional offset printing methods, but this price is usually countered by the cost saved in avoiding all the technical steps needed to make printing plates and setting up the press. It also allows for on demand printing, short turn around, and even a modification of the image (variable data) with each impression.
USA Quickprint uses both methods of printing at both of our locations. When you place an order we will choose the most effective method with the highest quality to meet your deadline and budget.